There are many ways or scenarios,
in which to get involved in the 13th NC, but the main way is to
become involved in the infantry. We are always looking for new
recruits willing to take the field and reenact the battles of the
War Between The States. To maintain membership we require you attend a least three events per year.
The largest cost is the first year
of membership. This is the time to purchase of your Civil
War uniform, and equipment. There are a variety of Sutlers (or
suppliers) to choose from in obtaining these items. The 13th
NC sometimes holds swap meets to get items at a drastically reduced
cost, or in some cases, free! For more information on what items
you will need, contact 1st Sgt Carl Howerton
The 13th North Carolina Field Hospital
visually brings the horrors of war to real life. Using real patients
or mannequins we can make it seem like the real thing. As a member
of the Civil War Surgeons Society, I have learned many techniques
and applications to truthfully tell the story of 18th century medicine.
The Field Hospital has had demonstrations
at Museum of the Confederacy, Gettysburg National Military park,
Charlotte Museum of History, Reed Goldmine State Historic Site,
Endview Plantation, Matthews NC, Davidson NC, Boone NC and
others. Also, I have given demonstrations fo the Confederate
Medical Department to elementary, middle and high schools, colleges,
SCV Camps, historical societies and others. Please contact us
if you would like a demonstration.
On the reenacting field we function
as a first responder for reenactors under duress. Concealing
our 21st century tools in period leather bags, we are the first
to the soldier who might be suffering from heat exhaustion to
minor burns. If you are interested in joing the medical dept
contact us at: Major RD Hovey